Significance of estimation of the number of hematopoietic progenitor cells using the automatic hematology analyzer XN3000

Eriko ITO, Kazuyo MURAKAMI, Miyoko IKEGUCHI, Yoko OSAMURA, Takuya KITAOKA, Masaharu GUNJI, Norihiro YUASA
Japanese Journal of Medical Technology  
In peripheral blood stem cell transplantation, enumeration of stem cells is important to determine the optimal time of stem cell collection and the adequate number of stem cells to be collected. In this study, we investigated the correlation between the number of hematopoietic progenitor cells (HPCs) determined using an automated hematology analyzer XN3000 and the number of CD34-positive cells determined using a flow cytometer. In a total of 167 specimens collected from 97 subjects, a
more » ... t correlation was observed between the number of HPCs (X) and the number of CD34 + cells (Y): y = 0.597x + 5.625, ρ = 0.745, and p < 0.001. The optimal cut-off number of HPCs to predict CD34 + cells ≥ 20/μL was 23/μL, with a sensitivity of 69%, a specificity of 93%, and positive and negative predictive values of 93% and 70%, respectively. In specimens from patients other than those with plasma cell tumor (i.e., MM), who were < 40 years old, and with an HPC count of < 50 cells/μL, a CD34 + cell count of ≥ 20/μL could be satisfactorily predicted (96% sensitivity, 91% specificity) when the cutoff count was 23/μL. However, a discrepancy was frequently observed between the numbers of HPCs and CD34 + cells in MM patients, subjects ≥ 40 years old, and specimens with an HPC count of ≥ 50/μL.
doi:10.14932/jamt.20-118 fatcat:b6g6mhnwqbdhlcyilknkbmvoi4