Effect of Wind-solar Complementary Increasing Oxygen System in Aquaculture

Guodong You, Shuying Lei, Jisheng Li, Yong Hou, Shangwen Cui
2013 Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology  
In order to explore a sustainable aquaculture methodology, water was increased oxygen by a wind-solar power which was tested in a production period of the Penaeus vannamei in paper. The result shows that, compareing with the conventional aerating comparison, the system could improve water environment in ponds and dissolved oxygen, temperature, pH value and the content of nitrite stably and uniformly change; make full use of wind energy and solar energy clean energy, save 100% on power
more » ... n, 15.9% on bait, 46.0% on drug; save aquaculture costs, increase income 282%. Using "Wind-solar" complementary increasing oxygen can improve water environment, save power, reduce aquaculture costs, increase aquaculture production and income, provide a new thought and method for green and ecological aquaculture, so it has high value of practical application.
doi:10.19026/ajfst.5.3405 fatcat:3uycsfbwjzdzpluaon3go4rkly