Frequency of Foreign Body Bronchus in Patients with Pneumothorax

Najam-ud- Din, Basher Ahmed, Abdul Manan Khan
2021 Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences  
Aim: To determine the frequency of airways foreign body bronchus in children pneumothorax. Study Design: Cross-sectional/descriptive study Place and Duration of Study: Department of Thoracic Surgery, Sandeman Provincial Hospital Quetta from 1st January 2020 to 31st December 2020. Methodology: Forty five patients of both genders and aged between 1 to 15 years were enrolled. Patients details demographics age, gender, residence and body mass index were recorded after taking informed consent. Chest
more » ... computed tomography and X-ray to bronchus were performed to examine the nature and site of foreign body. Bronchoscopy was performed and outcomes were analyzed. Results: There were 30 (66.67%) males and 15 (33.33%) females. Majority of patients 27 (60%) were ages <6 years. Mean body mass index was 12.08±6.33 kg/m2. Mean time interval between foreign body aspiration and admitted to hospital was 4.08±2.08days. Foreign body bronchus was found in 14 (31.11%) patients. The right main bronchus was the most common site in 9 (64.28%) followed by left bronchus in 5(35.71%).Most common foreign body retrieved was seeds found in 9 (64.28%), piece of plastic in 3 (21.43%), peanut in 1 (7.14%) and nuts in 1 (7.14%) patients respectively. Bronchoscopy performed in 14 patients and none of patients had developed any complication. Conclusion: Foreign body bronchus was found in 31.11% patients presented with pneumothorax and most common foreign body aspiration was seeds. Bronchoscopy was safe and effective with no major complication. Keywords: Children, Foreign body aspiration, Bronchus, Pneumonia
doi:10.53350/pjmhs211571798 fatcat:apo3rkd7cvfftmwfojsldmweua