Using Learning Communities to Successfully Navigate through the Stages of Graduate Education at a Small Medical School

Randall Karen Russell, Eatman Danita, Mitchell Ashley Kennedy, Meryl McNeal MSPH
2018 Journal of Advances in Education Research  
New students are often challenged with the transition from undergraduate to graduate school. To enhance student progress and success, Learning Communities (LCs) were established at Morehouse School of Medicine (MSM) in 2012. The LC's purpose is to form a supportive learning environment that encourages student connectivity to faculty and peers and promotes graduate school completion. Students were divided into LCs by degree programs and then further divided into stages. Year 1 sessions focused
more » ... topics related to students' transition from undergraduate to graduate school. Sessions were faculty-facilitated and student led, with 2 peer mentors. Students completed assessments at individual sessions, mid-year, and end of year. Data from Academic Years 2012-2015 indicated 100% of PhD 1 LC respondents and 82% of MSBR 1 LC respondents report participating in Learning Communities was an overall good/outstanding experience. Based on preliminary data, more students are meeting degree requirements on the designated timeline.
doi:10.22606/jaer.2018.31006 fatcat:bw4whdpjzjeshlpyhylsepbwea