The Territory of the Factory Parishes of the Barnaul Ecclesiastical Government in the Second Half of the 18th — Early 19th Centuries

D.E. Sarafanov, V.N. Ilyin
2022 Izvestiya of Altai State University  
The article analyzes the number and composition of the factory parishes' settlements of the Barnaul ecclesiastical government in the second half of the 18th — early 19th centuries. It is concluded that the parish territories were not stable. In 1750-1760 there was a process of settlements redistribution between parishes. This was due to the formation of factory churches network. In subsequent times, the boundaries of the parishes changed due to the emergence of new settlements in the study
more » ... At the end of the period under study, the largest number of settlements was in the Vvedensky parish of the Novo-Pavlovsk plant (46), the second in terms of indicator was the Voskresensky parish of the Kolyvan plant (30). The remaining churches had a smaller number of settlements, comparable to each other (12-14). It was revealed that most factory parishes were "formed" by two types of settlements: factory towns and villages. However, in the 1750s there was not a single rural settlement in the Peter and Paul parish of Barnaul, there were only residents of the factory. The Voskresensky parish of the Kolyvansky plant differed significantly in composition. It included the population of the factory, villages, mines and military fortifications (redoubts, outposts). The identified list of settlements will allow to build topologically correct territories of parishes using GIS tools in the future.
doi:10.14258/izvasu(2022)3-04 fatcat:qptm3qhr5rbt3f72z63rayd5wi