Adolescent Profiles of Knowledge And Epistemic Beliefs in the Context of Reading Multiple Texts

Leila Ferguson, Ivar Bråten, Helge I. Strømsø, Øistein Anmarkrud
2012 International Conference of the Learning Sciences  
Adopting a person-centered approach, we set out to identify profiles of prior knowledge and epistemic beliefs in Norwegian 10th-graders. We identified two clusters that were labeled low prior knowledge/moderate personal justification and moderate prior knowledge/low personal justification. Clusters differed significantly regarding multiple-text comprehension, with low prior knowledge/moderate personal justification students displaying poorer comprehension of texts on an unsettled scientific issue.
dblp:conf/icls/FergusonBSA12 fatcat:kydf6sukh5fqjaqb6yh7hrcthm