Contradiction Management in Intent-driven Cognitive Autonomous RAN [post]

Anubhab Banerjee, Stephen S Mwanje, Georg Carle
2022 unpublished
<div>Intent Based Networks (IBNs) are mainly used to transform a user's intent into network configuration, operation, and maintenance strategies. IBN is a prominent feature for designing the AI-enabled next generation networks. In this paper we propose intent-driven orchestration of cognitive autonomous RAN for managing network control parameters.</div><div>Our proposed design enables the Controller to detect and remove contradiction, which may arise from a single intent, in the runtime. We
more » ... provide a brief overview of existing standards on this aspect and standardization impact of our research to show that it conforms with the worldwide mobile network management standardization efforts.</div>
doi:10.36227/techrxiv.16628248.v2 fatcat:fiwge4ym5natppgzpfg7z3pzxq