English rhythm learning and changes in EEG using RIM with beat

Hideko Nakano, Kiyohisa Natsume
2011 Computer & Education  
The rhythm instruction was conducted using an English rhythm instruction material (RIM) with the beat sound placed at the positions of stressed syllables (Beat), while another type of RIM without the beat sound (No-beat) was conducted to the control group (No-beat G). During the RIM learning, the reproduction rate (PR) of the targeted rhythm for the Beat Group (Beat G.) and No-beat G gradually increased. In addition, the difference in inter-stress interval (ISI) between pre-test and post-test
more » ... Beat G. was significant, while that in Nobeat G. was not. Pre-and post-test have different English sentences which includes targeted rhythms. Meanwhile, EEG in the subjects of Beat G. recorded revealed that only θ wave power measured at the frontal midline region significantly correlated to their PR. These results suggest that the beat in the RIM might enhance the English rhythm leaning and acquisition. Moreover, measuring θ wave power at the frontal midline region could help to see how individual learner is really learning.
doi:10.14949/konpyutariyoukyouiku.31.88 fatcat:pt6bzhchyvhj7es5xxuj2nwjey