Dissecting trust and the assurance-violation dynamic

S.T. Redwine
2003 36th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2003. Proceedings of the  
The nature of trust a party extends is first subdivided into the areas of level of trust, scopes of applicability, and definiteness. Complications that arise when considering assurance and violations of trust are covered. A framework is provided for the dynamics of trust assurance opposed by potential or actual violations. The assurance side is based on dependability concepts while the violation side has its origins in military processes and concepts. Connecting these two sides are decision
more » ... esses that reflect the dynamic interaction of the trusting and trusted/distrusted parties. The paper includes an example application of the framework within the computer security domain.
doi:10.1109/hicss.2003.1174903 dblp:conf/hicss/Redwine03 fatcat:cdrvkn55cjetlcjwhuwlbtkbsu