A new appraisal of the Ancona landslide based on geotechnical investigations and stability modelling

A. Agostini, V. Tofani, T. Nolesini, G. Gigli, L. Tanteri, A. Rosi, S. Cardellini, N. Casagli
2013 Quarterly journal of engineering geology and hydrogeology  
On the night of 13 December 1982, Ancona experienced the catastrophic reactivation of an old and large landslide located along the coast to the west of the city. The outcomes of past and new geotechnical investigations and the data from the 30 year readings of the monitoring instruments have been integrated to redefine and update the actual location of the sliding surfaces. According to the new analysis, the landslide involves four main sliding surfaces with different extents and depths. The
more » ... pest surfaces converge at depth in a shear band and their toes are positioned near or beyond the coast. Numerical and analytical modelling of the landslide has been carried out using the newly derived sliding surface geometries. The numerical modelling has allowed a qualitative assessment of the deformation pattern, confirming the geometry of the sliding surfaces derived from the geotechnical investigations. The stability analyses have been performed applying the limit equilibrium method to quantify the instability conditions of the landside. The analyses have been carried out for five stratigraphic-geotechnical scenarios. All of these scenarios show a stability condition near the limit equilibrium.
doi:10.1144/qjegh2013-028 fatcat:rsuxic2qjzennl64n3uo33lnq4