Fractal Structures of the Carbon Nanotube System Arrays [chapter]

Raïssa S. Noule, Victor K. Kuetche
2019 Fractal Analysis  
In this work, we investigate fractals in arrays of carbon nanotubes modeled by an evolution equation derived by using a rigorous application of the reductive perturbation formalism for the Maxwell equations and for the corresponding Boltzmann kinetic equation of the distribution function of electrons in such nanomaterials. We study the integrability properties of our dynamical system by using the Weiss-Tabor-Carnevale analysis. Actually, following the leading order analysis, we write the
more » ... n in the form of series of Laurent. We also use the Kruskal's simplification to find the solutions. Using the truncated Painlevé expansion, we construct the auto-Backlund transformation of the system. We take advantage of the above properties to construct a wide panel of structures with fractals properties. As a result, we unearth some typical features, namely the fractal dromion, the fractal lump, the stochastic and nonlocal fractal excitations. We also address some physical implications of the results obtained.
doi:10.5772/intechopen.82306 fatcat:pyvdvhoelzag5jxm4moumgg25u