A scalable photomixing array for increased emitted power

A.J. Pascual, M. Ali, L.E. Garcia-Munoz, G. Carpintero, F. van Dijk, D. Gonzalez-Ovejero, R. Sauleau
2019 2019 44th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz)  
The goal of this work is to increase the power emitted at E-band by a photomixing antenna array on PCB technology. The antenna architecture has been tailored to obtain a scalable design and a high radiation efficiency, while featuring a relative bandwidth larger than 10%. Our first prototype, with a 3-dB gain bandwidth of 12 GHz and one active photodiode, has been used in a wireless link. This preliminary demonstration has yielded a 2.15 Gb/s error-free data rate transmission for a 25 cm distance.
doi:10.1109/irmmw-thz.2019.8873999 fatcat:v5sjurogcfeglejzfzzolxidnu