Probabilistic Tracking of Pedestrian Movements via In-Floor Force Sensing

Rishi Rajalingham, Yon Visell, Jeremy R. Cooperstock
2010 2010 Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision  
This article presents a probabilistic approach to the tracking and estimation of the lower body posture of users moving on foot over an instrumented floor surface. The latter consists of an array of low-cost force platforms providing intermittent foot-floor contact data with limited spatial resolution. We use this data to track body posture in 3D space using Bayesian filters with a switching state-space model. Potential applications of this work to person tracking and human-computer interaction are described.
doi:10.1109/crv.2010.26 dblp:conf/crv/RajalinghamVC10 fatcat:3h3ibx4brfadxhnklpykyrf7yq