Species Status of the White-Fronted Manakin, Lepidothrix serena (Pipridae), with Comments on Conservation Biology

Richard O. Prum
1994 The Condor  
The White-fronted Manakin, Lepidothrix serena (formerly in the genus Pipra), is currently recognized as a polytypic species that includes nominate serena, from the eastern Guianan region, and suavissima, from southern and eastern Venezuela and Guyana. Nominate serena and suavissima are significantly different in plumage, syringeal morphology, and vocalizations. The distribution of the two forms has not been completely documented, but no contact between the populations is known. Derived
more » ... ical and behavioral novelties indicate that the two forms are sister taxa, and that they constitute distinct phylogenetic and biological species. The recommended common name of the newly recognized Lepidothrix suavissima is the Tepui Manakin. Maintenance of the current biological species taxonomy may underestimate the diversity of species in the Neotropics and hamper the documentation of diversity in the Neotropics that is important to conservation biology.
doi:10.2307/1369472 fatcat:ams4fjgxrfbffflbu37pistx64