Bayesian networks classifiers for gene-expression data

Luis M. de Campos, Andres Cano, Javier G. Castellano, Serafin Moral
2011 2011 11th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications  
In this work, we study the application of Bayesian networks classifiers for gene expression data in three ways: first, we made an exhaustive state-of-art of Bayesian classifiers and Bayesian classifiers induced from microarray data. Second, we propose a preprocessing scheme for gene expression data, to induce Bayesian classifiers. Third, we evaluate different Bayesian classifiers for this kind of data, including the C-RPDAG classifier presented by the authors.
doi:10.1109/isda.2011.6121822 dblp:conf/isda/CamposCCM11 fatcat:ijh5jeu4tvfe3jwg3oczcincnm