Critique of Hedonism [dataset]

Iosr Journals, Simanchala Pradhan
2015 Figshare  
Hedonistic Values: The term 'Hedonism' derives its origin from the Latin word hedone which means pleasure. This implises that hedonistic values subsists in pleasure,i.e, pleasure is the highest good.This is how man augments his actions with a view to derive maximum pleasure. The exponents of hedonism are J.S. Mill, James Bentham, David Hume andEpicurians . These thinkers assert that pleasure if the ultimate objective or SummumBonum of life. So it is an obvious phenomenon that according to these
more » ... thinkers man always hankers after pleasure and avoid pain. Again according to these thinkers pleasure is that quality of mental process which man gets after the successful completion of an action entailing pleasurable perception with regard to a stupendous fortune.1
doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.1381728.v1 fatcat:vltjmr5olnbd5i2235kq2f7xzu