Prosthodontics rehabilitation using palatal expander for a child with ectodermal dysplasia

Ahmad Moutaz Attar, Jamal Dabbas, Hamzah Abbas, Milton Carlos Kuga
2017 International Dental & Medical Journal of Advanced Research - VOLUME 2015  
This clinical report describes the use of the palatal expander which is incorporated into the mid-palatal region of the complete maxillary denture for a 4-yearold complete edentulous patient. Heat polymerized acrylic resin was used to process both maxillary and mandibular denture. The completed dentures were polished and finished. The palatal expander (max: 6 mm and full turn: 0.8 mm) was added to the midpalatal region of the maxillary denture during waxing and processing the dentures. The
more » ... n of this expander was invented by Haas (1965) max: 6 mm and full turn: 0.8 mm. Medical grade adhesive was used for prosthesis retention. Aim: The aim of this case report is to use the palatal expander to simulating the growth and development of mid-palatal suture and helping to normalize the masticatory function and perioral muscles movement, and as a result, the growth pattern of basal bones. Conclusion: The technique of incorporated palatal expander into the mid-palatal region of the complete removable dental prostheses helped the clinicians and child to get the advantages of this technique by facilitating the clinical and laboratory procedures during follow-up appointments. Clinical Significance: This technique was used to get benefit from the denture as long as possible before rebasing or remaking a new denture.
doi:10.15713/ins.idmjar.59 fatcat:diqdficcyfcwxa2yru4u6qmdbu