Training processes in Ecuadorian universities and their link with society: keys to achieve the articulation of substantive functions

Emma Yolanda Mendoza Vargas, Byron Wladimir Oviedo Bayas, Byron Wladimir Oviedo Bayas, Jefferson Xavier Bravo Salvatierra, Jefferson Xavier Bravo Salvatierra, Magali Calero Lara
2022 Revista Iberoamericana de la Educación  
At present, although the significance and advantages offered by the linkage of universities with society are recognized, there is no delimitation of the concept of linkage that favors an evaluation of its real impact and incidence on the development of the people. The objective of this article is to describe the advances that are visible in the programs of linkage with society in some universities of the Ecuadorian nation. For this purpose, it is based on a qualitative and descriptive research
more » ... pproach, based on the documentary bibliographic method. Different concepts related to the term "linkage" were reviewed, as well as the way of assuming and applying it in the main universities of the country. It is concluded that the universities of Ecuador show a high degree of commitment with the programs and projects of intervention and relationship with communities and business and governmental institutions with which they are linked.
doi:10.31876/rie.v6i4.232 fatcat:xt4imbvf6fdv3cy6fhu5pasooi