Numerical Investigation of Stable Stratification Effects on Wind Resource Assessment in Complex Terrain

Takanori Uchida, Susumu Takakuwa
2020 Energies  
In the present study, we perform numerical simulations considering various stable atmospheric conditions for a small-scale simple topography. Based on the obtained simulation results, we visualize the flow field and discuss drastic changes in the flow patterns. A flow pattern similar to the potential flow suddenly appears around an isolated hill as the stability increases, regardless of the inclination angle of the hill. We show that a critical Richardson number clearly exists. Furthermore, the
more » ... effect of stable stratification on the evaluation of power generation is shown for typical complex terrain. We evaluate the capacity factor (%) of a 2 MW large wind turbine based on one-year virtual mast data and consider the effect of stable stratification. It is shown, in the case of stable stratification, that the capacity factor is 2.775 times greater than that under neutral stratification.
doi:10.3390/en13246638 fatcat:xsg4vskc4rhptadnulfosyuc64