Synthesis of Copolymers of Decylmethacrylate with Decene-1 as a Viscosity Additive

Elkhan U. Isakov, Jeyhun Sh. Hamidova, Elnara I. Hasanova
2017 Open Journal of Yangtze Oil and Gas  
The article was dedicated to the copolymerization reaction of decylmethacrylate with decene-1. The copolymerizaion was realized with the participation of the inisiator the radical mechanism-izooil acid dinitrilyne. The learning of the polymerizaion reaction of decylmethacrylate with decene-1 shows that, it is possible to analyse the polymer connections having any molecular mass and content with the way of changing the monomers correlation and reaction temperature, that, it is possible to manage
more » ... it knowing the regularities of the process. The effect of decylmethacrylate decene-1 copolymers to the viscositytemperature properties has been learnt. As the result it has been showed that, using the joint polymers of decylmethacrylate-decene-1 in the content of the limpid oils as the thickener additive, it is possible to get the base oils with good viscosity-temperature properties.
doi:10.4236/ojogas.2017.22006 fatcat:6r2sbbvnnrc23pwc3ojri4o5nu