Experimental and numerical studies of turbulent flow in an in-line tube bundles

Omar Ladjedel, Lahouari Adjlout, Omar Imine, Tayeb Yahiaoui, Mohamed Aounalah
2012 EPJ Web of Conferences  
In the present paper an experimental and a numerical simulation of the turbulent flow in an in-line tube bundles have been performed. The experiments were carried out using a subsonic wind tunnel. The pressure distributions along the tubes (22 circumferential pressure taping) were determined for a variation of the azimuthal angle from 0 to 360deg. The drag and lift forces are measured using the TE 44 balance. The Navier-Stokes equations of the turbulent flow are solved using Reynolds Stress and
more » ... K-H, turbulence models (RANS) provided by Fluent CFD code. An adapted grid using static pressure, pressure coefficient and velocity gradient, furthermore, a second order upwind scheme were used. The obtained results from the experimental and numerical studies show a satisfactory agreement. x Laboratoire d'aérohydrodynamique naval Département de génie maritime, mechanical engineering faculty, xxxxx laboratoire d'aérohydrodynamique naval Département de génie maritime, mechanical engineering faculty,
doi:10.1051/epjconf/20122501044 fatcat:kvsbv3mqjvbijpv3guxa74imai