Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Öğrenilmiş Güçlülük Düzeyleri ve Ben Durumları Arasınd

2018 Turkish Studies  
This research aims to examine the relationship between the level of learned resourcefulness ego state of the university students. During the university period, when many developmental tasks were undertaken it seemed that the students practiced several strategies to cope with the stresses they experienced. These strategies denoted as learned resourcefulness include activities such as utilizing various selfinstructions and cognition, and using problem-solving strategies. Thus, individuals
more » ... ely acquires the skills such as postponing satisfaction and organizing intrinsic events. It emphasizes the importance of studying the relationship between learned resourcefulness and ego state as that can be assessed as one of the factors influencing students' academic and personal social development. A total of 496 university students in their first and fourth year (257 males and 239 females) attending Ataturk University and Uludag University participated in the research. In the research conducted with descriptive study design, the Rosenbaum Learned Resourcefulness Scale, the Giessen Test-Self Form, and the personal information form developed by the investigator was used to collect data. In the data analysis, stepwise regression analysis was used. When we look at the findings of the research, it can be said that there are low to moderate relations between the independent variables and learned resourcefulness as the dependent variable. Positive social response and control have contributed positively to explain learned resourcefulness, and being reserved shows that it contributes negatively. Accordingly, it has been seen that the learned resourcefulness level of individuals increased with the increase of sub-test 1 and sub-test 3 scores, and that the learned resourcefulness level decreased with the increase of sub-test 5 scores. STRUCTURED ASTRACT
doi:10.7827/turkishstudies.13899 fatcat:ciya2iirmndrlkfvows67zdu3i