Low voltage organic light emitting diodes featuring doped phthalocyanine as hole transport material

J. Blochwitz, M. Pfeiffer, T. Fritz, K. Leo
1998 Applied Physics Letters  
We show that doping of the transport layers can strikingly improve the properties of organic light emitting diodes ͑OLEDs͒. The electroluminescence onset voltage of diodes containing an vanadylphthalocyanine ͑VOPc͒ hole transport layer intentionally doped with tetrafluorotetracyano-quinodimethan (F 4 -TCNQ) is reduced by up to an order of magnitude compared to OLED with undoped VOPc. The improved properties of our devices can be explained by the improved conductivity and better injection for a doped transport layer.
doi:10.1063/1.121982 fatcat:iz2wkt563vhjddi4gvakzx2vty