Self-gravitating SU(5) Higgs domain walls as a braneworld

Nelson Pantoja
2019 Physical Review D  
Five-dimensional domain walls in gauged SU (5) generate a position-dependent symmetry breaking pattern along the additional dimension. We analize the perturbative stability and the 4D spectrum of these walls in the self-gravitating case, in terms of diffeomorphism-and Lie algebra gauge-invariant field fluctuations. We show that tachyonic modes are absent, ensuring perturbative stability. As expected, gravitational tensor and vector fluctuations behave like its counterparts in the standard Z2
more » ... ain walls. All the Lie algebra valued fluctuations exhibit towers of 4D massive modes which propagate in the bulk, with a continuous spectrum starting from zero. All the would-be 4D Nambu-Goldstone fields, which are gravitationally trapped in the case of a global symmetry, are non-trivially absent. However we find no localizable 4D gauge bosons, either massless or massive. Instead, quasi-localizable discrete 4D massive modes for the gauge field fluctuations are found, along the spontaneously broken directions.
doi:10.1103/physrevd.100.125011 fatcat:3kizrr2uinal3pzah4xo3yeram