Ecological Status near thermal power plant and jetty in Abdasa Taluka, Dist– Kutch Gujarat India

Ashok K Rathoure
2018 International International Journal of Avian & Wildlife Biology  
The thermal power plant has major impact of hot water discharge in to nearby creek or into sea on its ecosystem. The baseline for avian biodiversity, marine ecosystem and terrestrial ecosystem has to be assessed before discharging the hot water into sea. We have assessed the terrestrial as well as marine ecosystem for baseline scenario near the thermal power plant in Abdasa taluka, Kutch Gujarat. In the present study, we have focused on terrestrial baseline status of ecological system of
more » ... ding. The findings state that area is not rich in biodiversity but mangrove biodiversity and density may be affected due to the thermal power plant activities.
doi:10.15406/ijawb.2018.03.00122 fatcat:k6k4wrmxrjgcdb7k67st3zgmxi