Financial Technology 3.0 Adoption in Financial and Non-Financial Institutions from Modified UTAUT Perspective

Valentina Tohang, Erika Lo, Adilla Anggraeni
2021 Proceedings of the Conference on International Issues in Business and Economics Research (CIIBER 2019)   unpublished
In the financial industry, the innovations of financial technology (FinTech) is vital to provide convenience to the public to access financial products and transaction facilities. Nevertheless, FinTech is recently growing in the non-financial industry and has been able to improve financial inclusion in a wider area. There are several FinTech services such as payment, lending, financing, financial planning, and investment. The objective of this research is to examine the behavior of the user
more » ... rds the acceptance of technology of FinTech 3.0, specifically payment services, in the financial and non-financial industry based on the modified Unified Theory of Acceptance and use of Technology Model (UTAUT). The research outcome illustrates that the user acceptance in financial technology for non-financial institutions has a significant effect of all variables towards behavior intention except for system quality. While for financial institutions service quality are the variables that does not have a significant affect towards behavior intention. This research uses a quantitative approach. Two types of questionnaire were distributed to Go Pay (Non-Financial) and Jenius (Financial) institutions users with a target of 100 respondents
doi:10.2991/aebmr.k.210121.001 fatcat:d4ijodpiszfpfndgnpnkjgbhwe