Preventive Measures Assessment to Prevent Flooding Complex Underground Space through Hydraulic Model Experiment
수리모형실험을 통한 복합지하공간 침수방지대책 영향 평가

Dong Soo Shin, Jae Beom Park, Tae Seok Shon, Deok Jun Jo
2012 Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation  
Variation of the urban functions on complex underground space development and increasing demand, and due to heavy rainfall caused by climate changing, flooding in complex underground space into a situation where the possibility of more increases to minimize flood damage in underground space for various requires measure to prevent flooding. In order to establish the optimal protect against flooding, a study uses the hydraulic and numerical model experiments, and each inundation measures the flow
more » ... characteristics in an underground space required for the research and studies in a Korea, however, it has been little. In this study, the risk of flooding underground space in the presence of EPA SWMM model basin runoff analysis to build up complex underground space and the results were applied at a flow rate on flooding. Not only the study calculated the experimental value every scenario through checking whether there is storage facility or not, the installation of the sand bag and barrier wall by making the underground space of special building which mainly affected by the quantity of runoff in the object basin into hydraulic model, but also tried to analyze the flooding tendency of the underground by figuring out water level change of the Inundation.
doi:10.9798/kosham.2012.12.4.059 fatcat:2i7b2cfsorcanojicwhkmu6z6i