A 6-year survey of HFE gene test for hemochromatosis diagnosis

Catherine Mura, Odile Raguénes, Virginie Scotet, Sandrine Jacolot, Anne-Yvonne Mercier, Claude Férec
2005 Genetics in Medicine  
Purpose: A 6-year survey of HFE gene test was conducted to evaluate its helpfulness for hereditary hemochromatosis diagnosis. Methods: We analyzed C282Y, H63D, and S65C mutations on 3525 individuals. Results: The test produced 89.7% and 30% of positive results for individuals clinically diagnosed hemochromatosis before HFE gene-test availability and those prospectively tested because of elevated serum iron parameter and/or family history, respectively; among them there were 90.4% and 48.7% of
more » ... 82Y homozygotes. Conclusions: The HFE gene test confirmed a genetic defect that may lead to iron loading in individuals when iron parameter values, especially for the C282Y/C282Y, were still low as well as for genotypes usually associated with low expressivity and penetrance (C282Y/H63D, H63D/H63D). This gene-test should allow a biochemical follow-up of patients carrying a disease-related genotype. Genet Med 2005:7(1):68 -73. From INSERM U613 Génétique moléculaire et génétique épidémiologique, UBO, France. Catherine Mura, PhD, INSERM Unité 613, Génétique moléculaire et génétique épidémiologique,
doi:10.1097/01.gim.0000151153.21369.63 pmid:15654232 fatcat:3vcl6ankqndlrcaabdvlndoiee