Ion Goian
In order to understand the work of Mircea Eliade in its whole complexity, it should be situated within the context where it was thought and written. Whether the period beginning with the years after the war is somehow easier to follow in Eliade's intellectual biography, the most discussed period and that gave way to numerous contradictory interpretations is, naturally, the '30s. In this sense, the present study makes a small inventory of some obscure moments, because this obscurity gave birth,
more » ... ost of the times, either to misunderstanding or, where there was an ill will, to the misrepresentation of his words. To have been kept silent was for Eliade (especially during the'50s) a form of intellectual survival and maybe survival per se. Now, we have the right to judge things in a more nuanced manner, without denying the facts, but also without interpreting them tendentiously and approximately. But we can express reserves, of course, toward the method of the 'file' applied to Eliade, as well as to other important authors (such as Heidegger, Cioran and others), a modern form of a Manichaeism which has no place within the world of culture, the eternal empire of the nuances.