Metcrax 2006

C. David Whiteman, Andreas Muschinski, Sharon Zhong, David Fritts, Sebastian W. Hoch, Maura Hahnenberger, Wenqing Yao, Vincent Hohreiter, Mario Behn, Yonghun Cheon, Craig B. Clements, Thomas W. Horst (+2 others)
2008 Bulletin of The American Meteorological Society - (BAMS)  
Field and numerical studies of the evolution of the atmosphere in the near-ideal, basinshaped crater have led to an ex tensive dataset exhibiting many stable boundar y layer phenomena and their interactions with background flows. A month-long meteorological field experiment c a l l e d t h e M e t e o r C r a t e r E x p e r i m e n t (METCRAX 2006) was conducted in October 20 06 i n Meteor Crater, nea r Wi nslow, A r i zona . METCRAX focused on two research topics. First, the AFFILIATIONS:
more » ... eman, hoch, and hahnenberger-University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah; muschinski, hohreiter, behn, and cheon -University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Amherst,
doi:10.1175/2008bams2574.1 fatcat:g4cv36klibgqpnktcl3mkmwrqa