NURBS Fitting Algorithm of Section Contour Data based on Two-photon Polymerization Process

Yucheng Li, Jieqiong Lin, Baojun Yu, Xian Jing
2016 Proceedings of the 2016 5th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Computer Science   unpublished
Two-photon polymerization is considered to be one of the most promising technique, which could achieve the structured process of three-dimensional micro-nano structure fuctional device. In order to improve the machining precision and machining efficiency of formed parts, in the process of two-photon polymerization, it was necessary to file the slice data. In the process of three-dimensional modelling, because of the NURBS curve has flexibility and local control, it was very suitable to fit the
more » ... iscrete data. Using line and non-uniform rational B-spline curves to fit the sliced data points, and according to the algorithm which based on the judgment of slope and length, the datas were processed by segmented fitting. Moreover, through the dichotomy to optimize the control points to make the intersection contour more precise and smoother.
doi:10.2991/icamcs-16.2016.52 fatcat:eaj7ox6oarg3nkinswxzzw5yny