Artificial stepper tensile actuator using Joule-heated twisted and coiled polymer muscles

Hadi Kolivand, Azita Souri
2021 Journal of Mechatronics and Artificial Intelligence in Engineering  
Twisted and coiled polymer muscles (TCPM) are inexpensive, light weight and simple artificial muscles that are introduced recently. For implementation of this muscle as a linear controllable actuator, we need an open loop or closed loop control system. In this paper we proposed a new artificial stepper tensile actuator based on joule-heated TCPM (we name it "stepper TCPM") that will be used as a stepping straight actuator and can be control via an open loop control system. There are not any
more » ... ors in the proposed actuator, so the actuator can be used in an open loop control system for stepping linear movements. This stepper actuator consists of some serial TCPM string with some individual heater isolated wires that twisted around the fiber of each TCPM. The maximum displacement of each TCPM is double of the previous TCPM, therefore the full set or reset of current of these wires result full contraction of each TCPM and stepping displacement control of stepper TCPM. Our experiment shows that we can control step by step displacement of proposed actuator without any sensor or closed loop control system (similar to common stepper motor but in straight motion). Proposed actuator is applicable in low cost and low weight stepping movement mechanism.
doi:10.21595/jmai.2021.21970 fatcat:7qcag4cekbag5nlp7o5xwsoaiu