Review of Federalism and Lander Autonomy : The Higher Education Policy Network in the Federal Republic of Germany

Uli Scheck
2004 Canadian Journal of Higher Education  
This study is based on the author's research for his D.Phil thesis written at Oxford University's Nuffield College. Onestini's major goal is to analyze and evaluate German federalism with respect to Hochschulpolitik (higher education policy -making) ; more specifically, he retraces the evolution of the relationship between the federal government and the Lander (states) and explores the level of autonomy of the Lander, as well as the overall effect that federalism has had on post-secondary
more » ... development and on efforts to establish, and subsequently reform, higher education in Germany between 1948 and 1998. In order to describe how federalism functions horizontally, Onestini employs a Policy Network Approach (PNA) that focuses on policy actors that are capable of mobilizing resources. Using a matrix combining policy areas with policy stages, he identifies the main actors in each phase of the policy-making process. Part I of the study provides an overview of German federalism and Hochschulpolitik, part II outlines how a higher education policy community emerged between 1948 and 1969, part III covers the period up to 1998 including case studies of six policy areas, and part IV offers conclusions and raises the question whether German federalism can serve as a model for European integration. Onestini analyzes federalism during this fifty-year period mainly with respect to intra-federal relations, i.e., the division of competence and the interaction between federal authorities and the Lander. In chronological terms, the study's findings can be summarized as follows: The author rightly points out that the creation of the Standige Konferenz der Kultusminister or KMK (the Standing Conference of
doi:10.47678/cjhe.v34i2.183462 fatcat:kxgaridcuba6dhlgxvvjx54g6m