Weak Lensing Becomes a High-Precision Survey Science

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2018 Physics  
O ver the last decades, scientists have built a paradigm cosmological model, based on the premises of general relativity, known as the ΛCDM model. This model has successfully explained many aspects of the Universe's evolution from a homogeneous primeval soup to the inhomogeneous Universe of planets, stars, and galaxies that we see today. The ΛCDM model is, however, at odds with the minimal standard model of particle physics, which cannot explain the two main ingredients of ΛCDM cosmology: the
more » ... ld dark matter (CDM) that represents approximately 85% of all matter in the Universe and the cosmological constant (Λ), or dark energy, that drives the Universe's accelerated expansion. physics.aps.org
doi:10.1103/physics.11.85 fatcat:q3cddrncqnhrnjy67bhenke3sa