Stormwater calculation application for low impact development in the conceptual design phase of urban site development

Feng Wu, University of British Columbia, Jericho Bankston, Daniel Roehr, Feiyu Wei, University of British Columbia, University of British Columbia, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture
2021 Journal of Living Architecture  
There are many existing Low Impact Development (LID) applications available to calculate stormwater runoff volume, but they often fail to address LID systems in the initial design stages. To address this problem a LID application was developed for international use that supports designers considering how to reduce stormwater runoff through LID strategies. The result is an iterative design process that allows designers to visualize results. This helps users make informed decisions when it comes
more » ... o stormwater management practices that are based on a combination of readily available local climate data and existing site conditions to create preliminary runoff results.
doi:10.46534/jliv.2021.08.01.041 fatcat:insqluqgzrdlbitrfsjuyxu5eq