Del oyente receptor al oyente combatiente

Xose Antonio Padilla García
2004 Estudios de Lingüística. Universidad de Alicante (ELUA)  
Resumen This paper offers a comparative analysis of the components of Shannon and Weaver's theory of information (1949) transmitter/receiver and the pragmatical concepts speaker/hearer (cfr. Yule, 1996) . We will defend that, in order to undertands how human communication happens, both the role of the hearer and non-verbal emissions must be revised. We will work on a Corpus of colloquial conversations (cfr. Briz y Grupo Val.Es.Co., 2002) and we will analyse all the occasions in which speaker
more » ... listener comunícate without words. The use of a conversational Corpus reveáis that trasmition and reception of information are permanent activities not equivalent to the act of intentional communication.
doi:10.14198/elua2004.18.11 fatcat:k6hoidvayvdxfjaqqfmzlwzbdq