Speed Control of Three Phase Induction Motor Using PLC under Open and Closed Loop Condition

Mahesh Kumar K M, B Ramachandra
2017 International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications  
In today's world industries demand process automation in all sectors, because automation results in better quality, increased production and reduced costs. The variable s peed drives which can control the speed of AC/DC motors are indispensable controlling elements in automation systems. Depending on the application some of them are fixed speed and some of them are variable speed drives. The objective of the work is to monitor and control the speed of an Induction motor under various operating
more » ... onditions such as no load and on load driven by AC Drive using programmable logic controller.
doi:10.9790/9622-0701043439 fatcat:kdmeqhkuqzfvpcwx7dtxc2cq2q