Virtual body morphing

Won-Sook Lee, N. Magnenat-Thalmann
Proceedings Computer Animation 2001. Fourteenth Conference on Computer Animation (Cat. No.01TH8596)  
We discuss how to morph several different human shape data. The main idea is to create one human body structure from a given human body shape data either from photographs, designer's tool, Laser scanner or Intrared scanner. Then we use a rapid 3D-morphing system by using interpolation and 2D-image metamorphosis based on triangulation where the shared structure is inherited from the generic human. It is an integration of 3D shape and 2D skin information. This system enables a user to control the
more » ... shape and skin color in a very intuitive way. Automatic texture clothing methods is also introduced with some examples. Here, we described H-Anim body data structure as our desired generic body structure.
doi:10.1109/ca.2001.982389 dblp:conf/ca/LeeM01 fatcat:hmigxlqggvacrf4l66s5d5zsdu