A Protocol for a Market of Machine Learning Models [post]

Claudiu Marius Popescu
2021 unpublished
This paper describes a protocol for a market of machine learning models. The economic interaction involves two types of agents: data providers- agents that have some data and want to use it to get a predictive model, and model providers- agents able to use the data to generate predictive models. First, we will show that the process is informationally asymmetric, therefore a standard direct market can not function. Then, we design a protocol with the aim of creating a viable and efficient market
more » ... mechanism for these particular services, under the specific challenges of information asymmetries. The protocol is theoretically analysed, to establish it's correctness and computational complexity. We also propose a simple reference implementation based on a HTTP API. The implementation is then used in a few case studies, and analysed empirically.
doi:10.21203/rs.3.rs-1030456/v1 fatcat:btk2fis56nahhh6nw2hgbdx5iq