Soft curvature sensors for joint angle proprioception

Rebecca K. Kramer, Carmel Majidi, Ranjana Sahai, Robert J. Wood
2011 2011 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems  
We introduce a curvature sensor composed of a thin, transparent elastomer film (polydimethylsiloxane, PDMS) embedded with a microchannel of conductive liquid (eutectic Gallium Indium, eGaIn) and a sensing element. Bending the sensor exerts pressure on the embedded microchannel via the sensing element. Deformation of the cross-section of the microchannel leads to a change in electrical resistance. We demonstrate the functionality of the sensor through testing on a finger joint. The film is
more » ... d around a finger with the sensing element positioned on top of the knuckle. Finger bending both stretches the elastomer and exerts pressure on the sensing element, leading to an enhanced change in the electrical resistance. Because the sensor is soft (elastic modulus E ∼ 1 MPa) and stretchable (>350%), it conforms to the host bending without interfering with the natural mechanics of motion. This sensor represents the first use of liquid-embedded elastomer electronics to monitor human or robotic motion.
doi:10.1109/iros.2011.6048270 fatcat:n7tcfnv6q5blhg2s7hexc32iny