The state of creativity in adolescents with intellectual disabilities

H.Yu. Yeremenko, S.D. Yakovleva, O.V. Sagan
2021 Revista Amazonía investiga  
The objective of the article is to investigate empirically and substantiate theoretically the state of creativity in adolescents with intellectual disabilities; to reveal gender differences and changes in creativity during puberty in 13-15-year old adolescents. Davis's standardized technique was used to determine the respondents' creativity. Obtained data were processed using Student's t-test for paired samples. The obtained results showed existing but not realized capabilities of adolescents
more » ... th intellectual disabilities, so special correctional and developmental work should be performed with them.
doi:10.34069/ai/2021.44.08.15 fatcat:yhrxlqo465c7rpyvpowsc5dd4e