An Integrated Force-balanced Capacitive Accelerometer For Low-G Applications

K.H.-L. Chau, S.R. Lewis, Y. Zhao, R.T. Howe, S.F. Bart, R.G. Marcheselli
Proceedings of the International Solid-State Sensors and Actuators Conference - TRANSDUCERS '95  
A low-cost monolithic acceleromcter which incorpemtes a sur face-micromachined polysilicon sensor with bipolar/MOS interface cireuilry on a single chip has been developed for a measurement range of + 5g. The accelerometer has a noise floor of 0,6 mg (Hz) -i/2 and a shock survival rating of t000g. A sensitivity temperature coefficient of + 50 ppm °C i and an offset temperature coefficient of + 5 mg °C-~ have been achieved over the -40 to + 105 °(2 automotive temperature range. A wide bandwidth
more » ... om d.c. to 4 kHz is adjustable using a single external capacitor. The accelerometer operates on a single 5 V power supply and consumes 40 mW of power. It provides an analog output of 200 mV g-t and a digitally activated self-test output of -5g.
doi:10.1109/sensor.1995.717294 fatcat:teuggdmiwfhibkfaqrqhwv34ra