Quality Management of Organic Ready-To-Eat Vegetable, Matar Paneer (Green Peas with Cheese)

Mohammad H Rahman
2016 Journal of Food Processing & Technology  
Ready-to-eat foods are opening new window in world scenario as far as concerned taste, safety and nutrition. Ready to eat packaged food industry is growing at the rate 20% per annum, it shows the popularity and consumption and acceptance of ready to eat foods. Matar Paneer is nutritious ready to eat vegetable (food) with high quality, taste and flavour. It is a South Asian food, which contain curried green pea and cottage cheese cooked to perfection in mild sauce. The quality, taste and flavour
more » ... of ready to eat vegetables remains good as fresh up to expiry date. Good manufacturing practices are very crucial in organic green pea's production. This food meet the consumer's specific expectations like convenience, nutritionally adequate, tasty, microbial safe, colour, flavour, organic and with time saving and easy to use. Quality management in different processing stages/farm to fork Matar paneer processing goes through certain operation stages, through which proper quality management is essential to good quality
doi:10.4172/2157-7110.1000606 fatcat:u3wc45l4m5h53guv2p5qrj5sbi