Comparison of Quality of Life and Social Skills between Students with Visual Problems (Blind and Partially Blind) and Normal Students

Fereshteh Kordestani, Azam Daneshfar, Davood Roustaee
2015 International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development  
This study aimed to compare the quality of life and social skills between students who are visually impaired (blind and partially blind) and normal students. The population consisted of all students with visual problems (blind and partially blind) and normal students in secondary schools in Tehran in the academic year 2013-2014. Using a multi-stage random sampling method, 40 students were selected from each group. The SF-36s quality of life questionnaire and Foster and Inderbitzen social skills
more » ... questionnaire were used as research tools. The data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Pearson correlation coefficient. The results showed that normal people had a better quality of life than those who are blind. There were no significant difference between the partially blind people's quality of life and blind and normal people's quality of life. The normal people had better social behavior than partially blind and blind people. In terms of other factors, there was no significant difference between the positive social behavior of partially blind and blind people. However, normal people had weaker negative social behavior than partially blind and blind people. The negative social behavior of partially blind people was weaker than blind people.
doi:10.6007/ijarped/v3-i4/1376 fatcat:6usmdrdnzvbzzaiqsrhl6a7tc4