Las Tic En El Proceso De Enseñanza Aprendizaje

Arisdorgan Diéguez Almaguer, Freddy Patricio Ajila Zaquinaula, Tatiana María Velázquez Ramírez, Irina Reyes Martínez
2017 European Scientific Journal  
The objective of this article is to contribute to the successful incorporation of ICTs in the teaching -learning process as a means of teaching and analysis. At the same time, as seen in this process, they can contribute in making the content of other subjects meaningful and in developing metacognitive strategies in the students. All of these is possible through constructivist foundations and the cultural historical approach of Vygotsky. As a result, the theoretical, empirical, and statistical
more » ... ethods are used according to the research. The main characteristics of the ICT were highlighted, as well as their advantages and disadvantages. Then, methodological treatment on some contents of Mathematics as examples were given. Finally, a didactic model that synthesizes the double role of ICT and that highlights the role of the main actors in the act of teaching and learning was proposed. It, however, addresses the importance of cooperation and multidisciplinary work in achieving the objectives of the study. Resumen El objetivo del artículo es constribuir a la incorporación exitosa de las TIC en el proceso de enseñanzaaprendizaje como medios de enseñanza, y analizar, como al mismo tiempo que son contenido en dicho proceso pueden contribuir a hacer significativos los contenidos de otras asignaturas y desarrollar estrategias metacognitivas en los estudiantes, todo esto con basamentos constructivistas y del enfoque histórico cultural de Vygotsky, para ello se utilizan los métodos teóricos, empíricos y estadísticos
doi:10.19044/esj.2017.v13n34p269 fatcat:yjnhs2zybjaoncgby7elvwys2a