IT System for Supporting Cost-Reliability Analysis of Fleet Vehicles

Jarosław Selech, Karol Andrzejczak, Marek Młyńczak
2018 Journal of KONBiN  
The paper presents the technical aspects of a development of a monitoring system (ISM – Monitoring Information System) allowing a collection, processing and analysis of reliability and cost-related data of the operation of a fleet of vehicles. The platform allows performing advanced analyses according to the LCC (Life Cycle Costing) concept and IRIS compliant RAMS (Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety) methodology. The tool has been developed within the research project titled
more » ... Increase in the efficiency of the means of public transport following the implementation of the IRIS (International Railway Industry Standard) compliant LCC and RAMS concepts based on an integrated information system'. Thanks to the implementation of the ISM system in the practices of a fleet provider, it is possible to monitor malfunction data (in RAMS indexes, life cycle costs, identification of cost-generating components) and perform multidimensional analyses on the collected historical data related to the operation of vehicles. The presented results have been obtained within the research project number PBS3/B6/30/2015 [1].
doi:10.2478/jok-2018-0025 fatcat:iw6k6njt7ra4pgk3i24g7hmwte