Procesos de rechazo al sistema político partidista y apego al apartidismo en el México postalternancia

Guillem Compte Nunes, Centro de Investigaciones Interdisciplinarias en Ciencias y Humanidades (CEIICH), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)
2019 Espiral  
This article presents the results of a research, which looks for complement the literatures about the social construction of the representation crisis that Mexican democracy goes through. For this purpose, a comparative analysis of political trajectories of participants in a contentious group, Congreso Nacional Ciudadano (Conaci), in Mexico City, is made. The article shows how this crisis is constructed biographically, and how biography connects to collective action and the Mexican political
more » ... tem. In addition, it explores the position of the analyzed group, conceptualized as post-partisanship utopia the hypothesis of an irreversible biographical transition from the discredited partisan political system to an attachment to an utopian nonpartisanship.
doi:10.32870/eees.v26i76.7061 fatcat:z2u26euxmnfntk7qvxmmz2y7ki