Strategies for Correlating DB2 & CICS SMF Records to aid Problem Determination

Dr. Latha Sadanandam, Atul Misra, James Roca
2021 Zenodo  
Proactive problem prevention in association with quick remediation—even automated—can solve issues before they impact critical business applications. Systems are becoming smarter, using analytics to find out preferences and make real-time suggestions for remediation. Today's Performance Management solutions require variety of components to support this plethora of systems. SMF records of IBM Z systems plays a vital role in analysis of performance records from end to end transaction perspective.
more » ... IBM Z, SMF 101, SMF 110, Db2, CICS, Performance Analysis, CPU time, authorization ID. Etc.,
doi:10.5281/zenodo.4900564 fatcat:kynkmom7wjdoxkiwvpq3fpoydy