Inorganic chemistry

1913 Journal of the Chemical Society Abstracts  
Inorganic C h e m i s t r y . i i . 315 Phgsico-chemical Studies on Tellurium. I. ERNYT COHEN and J. F. KRONER (Zeitsch,. physikal. Chem., 1913, 82, 587-611).-A n account is given of the older investigations on tellurium. By means of density determinations i t is shown that tellurium exists in two forms, Te, and Te" which are present as dynamic allotropes in equilibrium T+, Te,. The equilibrium amounts are changed by change in temperature. It is shown that the treatment to which tellurium has
more » ... en subjected influences the density in a marked degree. The density varies between 6.2'72 and 5.949, depending on the temperature. Some tellurium, prepared by the reduction of telluric acid by means of hydrazine sulphate, was found to have a density 3.242. The low value is shown to be due t o the absorption of large volumes of nitrogen. The authors state that with the exception of the atomic weight, all physico-chemical constants of tellurium are t o be doubted on account of the existence of the two forms of tellurium existing in unknown proportions in all specimens of tellurium.
doi:10.1039/ca9130405315 fatcat:wcxhwygtenchdenzhzjv3npray