H-type linac structures [article]

U Ratzinger
H-type cavities have been successfully developed over the last 25 years to serve for a large variety of applications in the field of ion acceleration. Radio Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ) and Drift Tube Linac (DTL) versions were designed in the H 11 -as well as in the H 21 -mode. The Interdigital H-type (IH) drift tube structure (H 11(0) -mode) is efficient for an energy range from 100 keV/u to 30 MeV/u, especially when combined with KONUS beam dynamics. In overall power consumption the IH-DTL can
more » ... ompete with existing superconducting linacs up to beam energies of around 2 MeV/u. Additionally, effective voltage gains as high as 10.7 MV/m were demonstrated in pulsed operation. The GSI High Current Linac has reached new marks for drift tube structures with (A/q) max 60 and I max /emA = 0.25·A/q. The effective voltage gain of that 36 MHz, 80 MV IH-linac is 4.2 MV/m. The IH-RFQ (H 110 -mode) is well suited for heavy-ion beams with A/q 10, and the four-vane RFQ is very well established for proton and light-ion acceleration. At beam energies between 5 MeV/u and 150 MeV/u the Cross Bar H-Type (CH) drift tube structure (H 210 -mode) also shows great potential for room temperature and for superconducting designs.
doi:10.5170/cern-2005-003.351 fatcat:wdnpkp6is5drlas7pezlhw7ipe